Sunday, December 02, 2007

The World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan!

Me and my friends will be the volunteers during the games.
We will have take a serial training for that from now to the games start in 2009.
It must be a great experience :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I haven't been post anything here for a while..anyway, just too lazy, and yeah, nothing special to tell.
In fact, being a college student is not as interesting and relax as i thought. We have a lot of courses to take. Perhaps it only happens in the first grade...who knows. I made some new friends as well. Most of them are really nice to get along with. But some of them are not. Anyway, I always try to like everyone. I don't like to hate people or something.
I live in the dorm, and I go back home once a week. But I think it's not enough... I really missed my family. Ahh..but I know I have to learn to be more independent...
Besides, the uni located countryside. Nothing around here, no shopping, no films, no bookstores! Living here is REALLY boring. I still can't get used to that... :-(

This is my roommate, Ivy, and I.

The views of my uni.

Friday, August 31, 2007


I quit my part-time job, because university will start soon! And I'll move to another city too. That's really sad...I can't often chat with my parents after school. I really like to share with them what happened in my day, and they always give me suggestions.
Anyway, I hope everything will be alright after the term start. I hope I had friendly roommates as well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ghost Festival

It was the Ghost Festival yesterday.

We prepared ritualistic food offerings:

burning of hell money:

The Ghost Festival is a traditional Taiwanese festival and holiday, which is celebrated by Chinese in many countries. In the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 14th night of the seventh lunar month.

Chinese tradition, the thirteen day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar [Buddhist rituals are held on the fourteen day] is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower world. During the Qingming Festival the living descendants pay homage to their ancestors and on Ghost Day the deceased visit the living. On the thirteen day the three realms of Heaven, Hell and the realm of the living are open and the Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is ancestor worship, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning of hell money and bags containing cloth for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Other festivities may include, burying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.

The Ghost Festival shares some similarities with the predominantly
Mexican observance of El Día de los Muertos. Due to theme of ghosts and spirits, the festival is sometimes also known as the Chinese Halloween, though many have debated the difference between the two.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I got the interview's result today!! I passed the Dept. of Translation and Interpretation Studies of Chang Jung Christian University(
Haha~~that's great! I get more than 4 months off until start to go to university! Now I have to look for a part-time job for saving money for my trip on July and August.
My parents, teachers, and classmates are very happy for me and everyone said congratulations to me :D
I luv them sooooooooo much!!!

I'm so looking forward to my new life!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I took the other kind of university entrance exam on February 1st. And 1 week ago I got the result. It is cool! I got a nice grade! I think maybe I can get a university to attend without taking the college entrance on May. Awesome!! I can't believe my eyes... LOL But I can't chose German as major if I decide to go to any of it for some reasons(that's kinda sad>_<). And I have to take the second stage of the entrance, that is: interview. I am very nervous about it...I hope it will be fine.
I applied for 5 universities and 3 majors to try: Law, Comparative Education, and Engish(Translation). The one that I most want to attend to is Comparative Education. It can be a teacher or something like that after graduate.
Anyway, good luck for me! Hehe~

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I've been thinking this problem...
I've got many friends from other countries, I can use basic words to communicate with them by writing letter or typing on msn.
BUT, it sounds funny, I bet I can't talk to them by speaking "fluent" English. Even just simple words. My English speaking sucks. And I'm afraid to speak to "foreigners" in person. That's really stupid I know, and I know I HAVE TO overcome it, or it's no use to study english for nearly 10 years! What can I do if I still keep that when I travel oversea?! Oh... I feel SO nervous once I think of it!!
People said: Practice make perfect. Yeah, right. It's easy to say than do....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The busiest winter break ever

Hmm, this winter break is very weird, not as usual at all. First, I can't go out to shopping or visit some friends and relatives. The things I can do is to take extra classes from Monday to Saturday for my college extrance exam and after the class I have to go to my mum's store to help her. The weather here is getting cold, so there are many customers come here to buy winter clothing. It's kinda busy... and I'm so tired of my recent life. But I know, I can get rid of these crappy things 3 months later! I just can't wait!
And when I get some free time, I plan my trip. Now I know the vague idea of it. I think I'll book my plane ticket next month.
Hehehe~ my dream will come true soon!! (^o^)y

Sunday, January 28, 2007

so sad

A very popular young actress in Taiwan died becuz of a serious car accident today. She was only 28 years old.
She is very pretty and friendly, everyone likes her so much, no matter boy or girl.
I was so shocked and so sad when i saw the news on TV...I can't believe such a nice girl suddenly passing.
I pray for her. I hope she can live a happy life in the heaven.
I think we have to cherish our life. 'Coz you never know what will happen tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

final exams&the winter holidays

This week we r taking the final exams of this semester. Everyday we got helf day off.
It is for us to take some rest and study for the other subjects at the next day.
Well, I always spend that time to sleep for many
Hmm, then next week we are going to start the winter vacation for a month!!! Wonderful!!! ^o^
The Chinese new year is coming during the vacation!
Hahaha I'm so excited~~~

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I canceled my MySpace

There are NO true friends on MySpace, actually.
Everyone just left comments such as "how r u doing?", talk about the weather, and comment merry Xmas&Happy new year...something like that. I think I used it just because it is very popular. Now I'm tired of it...
I won't use it again.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Chia-yi International Band Festival

A few weeks ago, I want to a concert with my friends in my city. It's called "Chia-Yi International Band Festival". During the festival, many famous bands from other countries will come here to perform. It was amazing! I saw a lot of foreigners from Japan, South Korea, France, Canada, and so on. We are so excited about it, and even ditched 2 classes for it.(This photo is 2 French guys and us!)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


This book is amazing. The writer is a Japanese called Yusuke(石田裕輔). He rode his bike to travel around the world for nearly 8 years long!! It seems crazy but i can not but admire him!!!
He makes me believe that dreams will come true if you insist on it!!!
I have to make up my mind. 'Cause I'll go abroad this year too. I think I'm too chicken-livered o(>_<)o