Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I've been thinking this problem...
I've got many friends from other countries, I can use basic words to communicate with them by writing letter or typing on msn.
BUT, it sounds funny, I bet I can't talk to them by speaking "fluent" English. Even just simple words. My English speaking sucks. And I'm afraid to speak to "foreigners" in person. That's really stupid I know, and I know I HAVE TO overcome it, or it's no use to study english for nearly 10 years! What can I do if I still keep that when I travel oversea?! Oh... I feel SO nervous once I think of it!!
People said: Practice make perfect. Yeah, right. It's easy to say than do....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The busiest winter break ever

Hmm, this winter break is very weird, not as usual at all. First, I can't go out to shopping or visit some friends and relatives. The things I can do is to take extra classes from Monday to Saturday for my college extrance exam and after the class I have to go to my mum's store to help her. The weather here is getting cold, so there are many customers come here to buy winter clothing. It's kinda busy... and I'm so tired of my recent life. But I know, I can get rid of these crappy things 3 months later! I just can't wait!
And when I get some free time, I plan my trip. Now I know the vague idea of it. I think I'll book my plane ticket next month.
Hehehe~ my dream will come true soon!! (^o^)y