Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I haven't been post anything here for a while..anyway, just too lazy, and yeah, nothing special to tell.
In fact, being a college student is not as interesting and relax as i thought. We have a lot of courses to take. Perhaps it only happens in the first grade...who knows. I made some new friends as well. Most of them are really nice to get along with. But some of them are not. Anyway, I always try to like everyone. I don't like to hate people or something.
I live in the dorm, and I go back home once a week. But I think it's not enough... I really missed my family. Ahh..but I know I have to learn to be more independent...
Besides, the uni located countryside. Nothing around here, no shopping, no films, no bookstores! Living here is REALLY boring. I still can't get used to that... :-(

This is my roommate, Ivy, and I.

The views of my uni.