Thursday, April 16, 2009


After the last day of midterm exam, I feel so down. Why, why can't I study now as harder as I did in school!? I really hate myself of being so lazy for the most of time since I am in university. I always do not want to study or prepare anything for the courses seriously after classes. I spend most of my time on something like watching TV, sleeping, and surfing the internet if I have the free time. And I only start to study one day before the exams. So I bet I will fail in many subjects this semester. Damn I really do not want to be late for graduating from the university because I have so many plans which I want to realize after that! But now it seems will be ruined by the late of graduate time. It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that I cannot complain it to anyone... I DESERVE IT. Yeah it is all my fault...