Thursday, April 16, 2009


After the last day of midterm exam, I feel so down. Why, why can't I study now as harder as I did in school!? I really hate myself of being so lazy for the most of time since I am in university. I always do not want to study or prepare anything for the courses seriously after classes. I spend most of my time on something like watching TV, sleeping, and surfing the internet if I have the free time. And I only start to study one day before the exams. So I bet I will fail in many subjects this semester. Damn I really do not want to be late for graduating from the university because I have so many plans which I want to realize after that! But now it seems will be ruined by the late of graduate time. It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that I cannot complain it to anyone... I DESERVE IT. Yeah it is all my fault...

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Today my parents and I went to Tainan to visit my grandparents. When I was there I suddenly realized something - how lucky I am. Even it is just ordinary life, I can feel that I am surrounded by people I love and who love me. How can I request more than this?! They give me so much love, consideration, and encouragement. I totally realized how stupid I was. I wanted to have something so much, but everything seems just did not go as well as I wish. I was so depressed. But how could I? Now I think that was nothing but a piece of shit. I should look the reality and cherish it. That's all I have to do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

travel changes a person

As someone said "Travel changes a person". I totally agree with that. I know til now I do not have so many experiences of traveling abroad, but I can feel that my mind is changing through my journey in Australia. No matter the beautiful landscapes, the streets, the local people, and so many things I saw in person - all change me. I think my mind is more open than before, I can be more patient, more tolerant, more independent, have more courage to face every challenge, and maybe more thoughtful for other people. I also realized that college work is important but not all my life in such young age as I am. I will study but I will not take it too serious as I would. I think I should not give myself so much pressure. People lives for enjoying life, not for having stress, doesn't it?! During I was in Australia I saw people from around the world enjoy their life, and the Aussie way of life, all of them are so relaxing. And do what they want to - that is what I really want. I am really happy that I have done this trip by myself, because of this I learned a lot, saw/prepared everything more carefully, because no one would do that for me, and being much more independent, although I feel lonely sometimes but it is still wonderful that I really admire myself so much. This is my first time abroad, and travel alone, in my 21 years old, I realised one of my dreams ^____^ I also realized an important thing - east or west, home is the best. When I had never stepped out of my home, I had never thought of this, and now I totally agree with this sentence. There is no place in the world which can replace my lovely home and Taiwan ^^

Monday, January 26, 2009

Byron Bay

What can I say?! I totally love this place so much! I think it is the best place in Australia so far. There are not so many people/tourists on the beach. So it looks very clean and beautiful. The sand is so white and just like sugar!!! I spent almost all day sat there and watched people, sea, and read books. And there are a few Asians here, not like other big cities. And I think people are quite friendly to me. When I just arrived here and looked my map, some guys came to ask me if I need help ^^ Oh I think the next 3 days I will do the same thing - go to beach. Maybe these will be the most relaxing time in my life -_- I suddenly think of the damn university works~ *sigh*

Thursday, January 22, 2009

living in my dream

Sometime I suddenly cannot believe I am in Australia now. It is the third day of my oz trip. I feel like I am dreaming. But it is not, it is totally true. Maybe some people would say, come one! just go abroad, there is nothing to be so excited because of this! No. I think those people who go abroad often or study abroad cannot understand what I feel now. I have been thinking about traveling abroad since I was 15 or 16. And every time when I made my plan, my parents always stop me because of some unreasonable stupid reasons. BUT, it finally came true this time!!! And I even come here by myself!!! I really cannot believe how excited I was when the airplane was taking off in Taipei and landing in Brisbane. Although there is something bad happened in the begining of my trip. I think I will do my best to overcome it. It is a bit weird that I do not feel any culture shock in Australia. I heard people always say when you go to a western country you will definitely get culture shock. I do not. I guess it is because there are too many Asians here. And Brisbane looks like Taipei, no wonder I read someone wrote Brisbane is called "another Taipei" because there are tons of Taiwanese young people come here for working holidays. I was thinking about to do the same after university, but now I changed my mind, I think I do not that like Australia as I thought. Maybe it is because I have been here for only 3 days. Perhaps I will discover more about Australia in the coming weeks. Who knows. I have not spoken any Chinese since I am here, although I heard many people speak chinese around me. Ah, it is so true - Chinese everywhere!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Wow it is the first day of 2009!
I hope this new year will be just fine~
no more trouble and something regret happen anymore


2008 was a year that changed my life...

Once I thought I could go to Austria, but then I passed the goddamn transfer test so I couldn't go! And I lost contact with 2 good friends in 2008. How sad is it... This is just life. I cannot against the damn truth at all. T___T However, I also met a very good friend through the internet in 2008 ^^ I really think I am so lucky!!!

Anyway I will work hard to save some money for my summer trip in 2009 and I will also study hard so that I will graduate from the university on time in 2011. As I have so many plans want to do after university, I will do my greatest effort to reach my goal.

Oh and my first trip in 2009 is Australia, which has only 2 weeks left from now!!! Awww~~~ I am getting nervous... everybody said I must be crazy to travel alone without the experience of go abroad *_* But I really want to challenge myself!!! What will it be? What people will I meet during the trip? How is the feeling that travel alone without a person to talk to?! These are what I wanna know. And I think I will be just fine as long as I planned well for this trip! I know there are many people who travel alone, so I think I can do it too. I will see what will happen then...!!!

Go Go Go!!! ^________^