Monday, January 26, 2009

Byron Bay

What can I say?! I totally love this place so much! I think it is the best place in Australia so far. There are not so many people/tourists on the beach. So it looks very clean and beautiful. The sand is so white and just like sugar!!! I spent almost all day sat there and watched people, sea, and read books. And there are a few Asians here, not like other big cities. And I think people are quite friendly to me. When I just arrived here and looked my map, some guys came to ask me if I need help ^^ Oh I think the next 3 days I will do the same thing - go to beach. Maybe these will be the most relaxing time in my life -_- I suddenly think of the damn university works~ *sigh*


Jürgen said...
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Jürgen said...

Cool the sand is white like sugar?! Hey do not think of the university works when you are on such a beautiful place! I wish you will have nice days there!!!

Wei Lin said...

Yeah now I am considering if I should bring some sands to Taiwan ^^ I have a great time here but I just got to know that I have to repeat 2 subjects again from this fall term... it suck T_T

Thanks anyway! ^^

Jürgen said...

You have to repeat two subjects? Oh that is bad. t_t So you will have much more to learn.

Wei Lin said...

Really bad... but I deserve it because I skipped some classes and I think the teacher was angry at me -___-